How to be a Solo Traveller and Enjoy it? Everything you need to know

Pragya Priyadarshani
6 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Haley Black on Pixels

Have you ever got excited about becoming a solo traveller? There’s something quite relishing about standing in an unknown city, surrounded by strangers and foreign languages.

It’s like being part of a vibrant mosaic — yet distinctively individual. You are the master of your journey, painting daily with experiences handpicked to resonate with your soul.

You get lost in narrow alleyways filled with hidden treasures or on bustling streets echoing unfamiliar sounds. Yet within this chaos, there’s order within solitude and camaraderie.

Ready to become a solo traveller? Here we share some travel insights on becoming a solo traveller. Let’s have a glance through it.

Reasons to be a Solo Traveller

In recent years, people are mostly inclined towards a solo journey to a new destination. The reasons? Freedom in itinerary planning, the opportunity for personal growth and curiosity to explore first the diverse cultures without distractions. Here we have enlisted some benefits of being a solo traveller:

  • Personal Growth

Solo travel brings an ample amount of opportunity for personal growth. It kicks you out of your comfort zone and boosts self-reliance, adaptability and resilience.

Without the influence or distraction of companions, you have the freedom to discover who you truly are and what matters the most.

You will face challenges while crossing over unfamiliar streets or overcoming language barriers — which can boost your confidence in leaps and bounds.

  • Freedom and Flexibility

The beauty and significance of travelling is that every decision is yours alone. You choose where to go, when to leave, what sights to see, and even where you want to eat without considering anyone else’s preference but yours.

This level of autonomy allows for spontaneous adventures that can’t be experienced if travelling with others.

  • Deeper Cultural Immersion

It is one of the key benefits which is highly recognised as a solo travel. When we are on our own in a foreign place we are more likely to become engaged with locals because there isn’t a familiar company to distract us from new experiences around us.

This direct interaction fosters understanding and respect between different cultures.

  • Meeting New People

Solo travel encourages you to be more open to meeting new people and making friends with locals and fellow travellers. It’s a great opportunity to broaden your social network.

  • Tailored Experiences

You can master your travel experiences to your specific interests and passion without compromise.

Whether you are inclined to art, history, food or adventure, you can create your ideal journey.

How to be a Solo Traveller and enjoy it?

Solo travel can be an enriching experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in new cultures, meet interesting people and learn more about yourself. Here’s your complete guide on how to do it right.

1. Planning and Researching

Your journey begins even before you step out of the door — with planning. Take the time to craft a well-thought-out plan. This includes setting your goals, outlining your itinerary and ensuring you have the essentials in place.

Research is also important when diving deep into the destinations you are about to explore. Familiarize yourself with local customs, learn a few key phrases and understand the best ways to get around.

If you have a solid plan and knowledge gained from research, you will navigate the solo travel experience with confidence.

2. Meeting Locals and Other Travellers

Solo Traveller doesn’t mean you have to be alone all the time. It’s one of the best opportunities to meet the fascinated individuals who come along the way.

Meeting locals and other travellers is one of the most enriching and memorable aspects of exploring new places.

Whether you are a seasoned traveller or just going on your first adventure, these encounters can turn a simple journey into a profound cultural exchange.

This firsthand experience can provide insights and perspectives that no guidebook or a website can convey.

3. Budgeting

Budgeting is one of the fundamental aspects of any travel adventure and for solo travellers, it can be the key to making your journey more affordable and sustainable.

To ensure you get the most out of your trip without breaking the bank, consider strategies like careful financial planning, setting a daily spending limit, and seeking cost-effective accommodation options.

One of the smartest ways to save money on accommodation, especially if you are open to unique experiences, is by using platforms like Worldpackers. This platform connects travellers with hosts around the world who offer free accommodation in exchange for volunteer work.

It’s an amazing opportunity not only to save on lodging but also to immerse yourself in local culture and give back to the communities you visit.

4. Keeping Safe

Safety should always be one of the top priorities when travelling alone; this includes choosing secure accommodations as well as staying informed about potential risks at your destination.

Many hosts on the platform offer safe and welcoming environments, and you can also connect with experienced travellers and locals who can provide valuable safety tips for the specific places you plan to visit.

5. Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming challenges during solo travel often involves addressing feelings of loneliness, and homesickness and navigating cultural differences.

  • Facing Loneliness

One of the biggest challenges faced by many solo travellers is loneliness. It is important to remind yourself that it’s okay to feel this way and there are always ways around it — like joining group activities or using platforms like Worldpackers to connect with other travellers.

  • Dealing with Homesickness

Another common issue is missing home, family, friends or even food. Stay connected with loved ones through regular communication, either through calls, video chats or even keeping a travel journal to document your experiences. Bringing along a few comfort items from home can also provide a sense of familiarity.

  • Navigating Cultural Differences

Cultural shock can be overwhelming but remember: you are here for a new experience. Do your research before arrival to understand the local customs and traditions, which can help prevent cultural missteps. Be open-minded, patient and respectful when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

6. Embracing Spontaneity

Solo travel allows for flexibility — embrace the freedom of changing your plans last minute, discover hidden gems off tourist tracks or simply spend an afternoon in a local cafe watching life go by.

Embracing spontaneity is a key element that can turn your journey into a thrilling and transformative adventure. It’s about being open to the unexpected, going with the flow and seizing opportunities as they arise.

Spontaneous decisions can lead to remarkable encounters, unique experiences and unforgettable memories that you might have missed if you rigidly stick to a pre-planned itinerary.

7. Travelling Responsibly

Responsible travel involves being mindful of your impact on the environment, local communities and culture. It not only benefits the places you explore but also contributes to your personal growth and enriches your travel experiences.

Here are some key principles to keep in mind:

  • Reduce your environmental footprint: Practice eco-friendly habits, such as minimizing plastic waste, conserving energy and water, and supporting eco-conscious tour operators and accommodations.
  • Respect local culture: Make an effort to understand and respect the customs and traditions of the places you visit. Dress appropriately and behave in a way that honours local customs.
  • Support the local economy: Choose locally-owned businesses and vendors whenever possible, from restaurants and shops to accommodations. Your spending can have a positive economic impact on the community.
  • Engage in ethical tourism: Be cautious about participating in activities that exploit animals or harm the environment. Choose ethical wildlife experiences and responsible tour operators.
  • Contribute to the community: Consider giving back to the places you visit by volunteering, donating to local charities, or participating in community initiatives.

8. Reflecting on the journey

Your solo trip isn’t just about places visited; it’s also about personal growth achieved during journey.

Take time out each day to reflect upon experiences — what did you learn? Did they change your perspectives?

Whether it’s a profound moment of solitude by a serene beach, a deep conversation with a local, or simply recalling the challenges and triumphs along the way, this self-reflection allows solo travellers to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world they have explored.



Pragya Priyadarshani

A prolific writer embracing the pursuit of creativity, thriller, adventure, fiction and nonfiction embarked with profound experience and knowledge .✍️